Exercise: Order of operations

Note that order of operations is important in writing R code.

4 - 2 ^ 2
(4 - 2) ^ 2
5 * 2 - 3 ^ 2
! TRUE & pi == 3

Evaluate all four expressions. Note ! is R’s not operator.

Exercise: Function Descriptions

Document this function with

  1. a description,
  2. summary of input(s)
  3. summary of outputs
RollDice <- function(num.rolls){
  # ARGS:
  return(sample(6, num.rolls, replace = T))

Note for help with functions in R, type ?sample.

Exercise: Writing and Documenting a Function

Use the defined style guidelines to create an R script that:

  1. Takes a state abbreviations as an input
  2. Imports a file available at: http://math.montana.edu/ahoegh/teaching/stat408/datasets/HousingSales.csv
  3. Creates a subset of housing sales from that state.
  4. Returns a vector with the mean closing price in that state.

Verify your functions works by running it twice using “MT” and “NE” as inputs.

Exercise: Functions Part 2

Now write a function that;

  1. Takes daily snowfall total in inches as input
  2. Takes day of week as input
  3. Returns whether to ski or stay home.

Also include and the stop() function for errors. Test this function with two settings:

Exercise: Aggregate

Earlier we wrote a function to compute the average housing price for two states, now use aggregate to compute this for all the states in the housing data set.