Davis portrait

Research Interests

My research is in the area of applied and computational mathematics. The current focus of my research is mathematical models for biological systems and the use of numerical simulations that incorporate sensitivity analysis and uncertainty quantification into the overal computational framework. For a list of publications and presentations along with some preprints, see my Curriculum Vita page. For further description of my research, see my Research page.

  • Mathematical Models for Biological Sciences
  • Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations
  • Differential Operator Theory & Its Application to Sensitivity Analysis
  • Sensitivity Analysis for the Optimal Design of Control Systems

Ken Bowers, John Lund, Isaac Klapper and I organized Computation, Control & Biological Systems VIII , which took place the week of July 29 - August 1, 2003 in Bozeman, Montana on our beautiful campus. Check out the conference webpage for further details.


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