The work of the department will support College, University, and disciplinary initiatives, with the aim of creating a department environment in which each and every member of our community can work and learn.  


Various Hands Joining Together


Mathematics and statistics welcome different ways of approaching problems.  This value readily extends to a variety of perspectives.  A more diverse community of mathematicians and statisticians broadens the range of priorities represented by those developing and applying methodology, resulting in more innovative approaches that are responsive to a wider range of societal needs. We recognize that mathematical and statistical models can disguise biased values and propagate inequity. Our goal is to highlight where our biases are embedded in the models and parameters we teach and develop.  This is an ongoing discussion that we are committed to in the Department of Mathematical Sciences.



Empowering human beings to think quantitatively and generate new knowledge in the mathematical sciences 


We conduct research, teaching and outreach with the guiding principle of using the tools of our disciplines to advance human flourishing. Our research generates new knowledge in the Mathematical Sciences and supports intellectual discovery across disciplinary boundaries. Our teaching provides each and every student equitable access to mathematical and statistical knowledge for personal, professional, and societal advancement. Our outreach benefits communities across the state and beyond.


College of Letters and Sciences' Recent Article

Students Sitting Together Outside
What can the Mathematical Sciences Offer? 


MSU Provost Office/Academic Affairs

Various Students around a Big Desk
Diversity and Inclusion Framework Report


Access and Success at MSU

Back Showing Arms Around Each Other
Resource Guide



Helpful MSU Link:



Helpful Math/Stat Community Links:


Math Alliance Logo
Building a New American Community in the Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
TODOS logo
Mathematics for ALL: Excellence and Equity in Mathematics
Learning for Justice Logo
A Project of the Southern Poverty Law Center
Striving for Unification, Narration, Renovation, and Vertical Integration
NAM Logo
Promoting Excellence in the Mathematical Sciences and the Mathematical Development of Underrepresented Minorities
Highlighting Latinx and Hispanic Contributions to Mathematics
A Community of Data Scientists and Statisticians Committed to Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
AWM Logo
Promoting Community and Equity for Women in Mathematical Endeavors
Providing a Framework for Employers to Support and Improve the Representation of Black Actuaries in the Profession.