Glenn D. Allinger

Professor Emeritus of Mathematics Education, mathematics education
Ph.D.(1972) University of Utah, M.A.T. (1968) Washington State University, B.S. (1962) Baldwin Wallace College.
Retired 1997

Jeffrey D. Banfield

Associate Professor of Statistics, statistical computation, pattern recognition
Ph.D.(1987) University of Washington, M.S. (1982) University of Arkansas, B.S. (1979) Colorado State University
Retired 2012

Marcy M. Barge

Professor Emeritus of Mathematics, dynamical systems, topology
Ph.D.(1980) University of Colorado, M.A. (1974) Arizona State University, B.A. (1972) Fort Lewis College
Retired 2012

Robert J. Boik

Professor Emeritus of Statistics, multivariate statistics, linear models, statistical theory
Ph.D.(1984) and M.S. (1982) Temple University, Ph.D. (1975) and M.A. (1973) Baylor University, B.A. (1971) University of St. Thomas
Retired 2009

John J. Borkowski

Professor Emeritus of Statistics, response surface methodology, experimental design, sampling, quality control

Ph.D (1992) University of Delaware, M.A. (1987) Rutgers University, M.A. (1982) Pennsylvania State Univeristy, B.A. (1980) Rutgers University
Retired 2024

Kenneth L. Bowers

Professor Emeritus of Mathematics, applied mathematics, numerical partial differential equations
Ph.D.(1982) Colorado State University, M.A. (1976) and B.S. (1974) Ball State University
Retired 2014

Sandra S. Bowers

Instructor of Mathematics
M.A.T (1982) Colorado State University and B.S. (1976) Ball State University
Retired 2014

Maurice Burke

Professor Emeritus of Mathematics Education, mathematics education
Ph.D.(1984) and M.S. (1978) University of Wisconsin, B.A. (1976) Oxford University, B.S. (1974) Montana State University
Retired 2011

Steve Cherry

Associate Professor Emeritus of Statistics, statistical applications in ecology and environmental science
Ph.D. (1994) and M.S. (1990) Montana State University
Retired 2017

James F. Robison-Cox

Associate Professor Emeritus of Statistics, nonlinear and generalized linear models, stat computing, stat consulting, and stat education
Ph.D.(1991) Iowa State University, M.A. (1988) University of Montana, B.S. (1984) Montana State University
Retired 2016

Warren W. Esty

Professor Emeritus of Mathematics, probability theory, mathematics education
Ph.D. (1973) and M.A. (1967) University of Wisconsin, B.A. (1966) Oberlin College
Retired 2015

Richard M. Gillette

Professor Emeritus of Mathematics, topology, dynamical systems
Ph.D. (1962) University of Utah, B.S. (1957) University of Nevada
Retired 2006

Martin A. Hamilton

Professor Emeritus of Statistics, biostatistics, statistical inference
Ph.D.(1968) Stanford University, M.S. (1962) and B.S. (1961) University of Wyoming
Retired 2002

John Lund

Professor Emeritus of Mathematics

Ph.D. (1978) and M.S. (1973) University of Utah, B.S. (1971) University of Tennessee
Retired 2021


Richard E. Lund

Professor Emeritus of Statistics; agricultural statistics
Ph.D. (1967) Iowa State University, M.S. (1960) University of Wyoming, B.A. (1957) University of Nebraska Omaha
Retired 1995

Kay McAllister

Instructor of Mathematics
B.S. (1962) University of Wisconsin
Retired 1991

Mark Pernarowski

Associate Professor Emeritus of Mathematics; math biology, numerical analysis, dynamical system theory, applied math
Ph.D. (1990) and M.S. (1986) University of Washington, B.S. (1983) University of British Columbia
Retired 2024

Mary S. Pohl

Instructor of Mathematics
M.S. (1972) Iowa State University and B.S. (1968) Morningside College
Retired 2005

Mary Ann Sojda

Instructor of Mathematics
M.S. (1978) Iowa State University and B.S. (1974) State University College at Buffalo

Richard C. Swanson

Professor Emeritus of Mathematics, global analysis, dynamical systems
Ph.D. (1976) University of California-Santa Cruz, B.A. (1970) University of Colorado
Retired 2012

Judy Tucker

Instructor of Mathematics
B.S. (1985) Montana State University - Billings
Retired 2013

Curtis R. Vogel

Professor Emeritus of Mathematics, computational mathematics, inverse and ill-posed problems
Ph.D.(1983) and M.S. (1979) Colorado State University, B.S. (1977) Montana State University
Retired 2010

Russell B. Walker

Professor of Emeritus of Mathematics, dynamical systems
Ph.D. (1977), M.A. (1974) and A.B. (1972) University of California, Berkeley
Retired 2012