Dominique Zosso, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Mathematics

Research Interests
My research interests are variational and PDE methods, and efficient algorithms to solve inverse problems in imaging, computer vision, and related machine learning applications. There is a strong convergence between problems and methods in imaging on the one side, and data science and machine learning on the other side, and in my research I want to further explore these commonalities.
Education and Appointments
- Assistant Professor, Montana State University, 2016 - present
- CAM Assistant Adjunct Professor, UCLA
, 2012-2016
with Luminita Vese, Stan Osher
, and Andrea Bertozzi
- Ph.D. in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, EPFL, Switzerland, 2011
Thesis: "Geodesic Active Fields: A Geometric Framework For Image Registration".thesis
- M.Sc. in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, EPFL, Switzerland, 2006
Undergraduate and Graduate students: If you are looking for a semester, summer, or individual study project, please get in touch! I am always interested in working with excellent students at all levels.
Applied Mathematics Seminar
I schedule the applied seminar series this year. We meet Thursdays, 3:10-4:00pm, in 1-144 Wilson Hall.
Interested in giving a talk? Get in touch!
Recent and upcoming talks
- Aug 31: Nestor Guillen (Math, University of Amherst): Min-Max formulas for nonlocal elliptic operators and applications
- Sep 7: Tomas Gedeon (Math, MSU): Model Rejection and Parameter Reduction via Time Series
- Sep 14: Lisa Davis (Math, MSU): A continuum model and numerical simulations for transcription of a crowded gene--the RRN operon
- Sep 21: Marcus Roper (Math, UCLA): Optimality in Microvascular Networks
- Sep 28: James Mazer (Cell Bio & Neuroscience, MSU): The neural basis of stable attentional targeting during natural vision
- Oct 5: Jing Qin (Math, MSU): EEG Source Imaging based on Spatial and Temporal Graph Structures
- Oct 12: John Sheppard (Computer Science, MSU): Risk-based Prognostics and Health Management: Probabilistic Methods for Continuous-time Hazard Analysis and Risk Mitigation
- Oct 19: Adam Wilander (Math, MSU): Leveraging the dynamics of an aggregation equation to extract community structure
- Oct 26: Brendan Mumey (Computer Science, MSU): Exploring Frequented Regions in Pan-Genomic Graphs
- Nov 2: Sarah Codd (Mechanical & Industrial Eng., MSU)
- Nov 9: Alex Washburne (Microbiology & Immunology, MSU): Covariance-based tests of symmetric competition in stochastic communities and portfolios
- Nov 16: Alex Washburne (Microbiology & Immunology, MSU): Phylogenetic factorization: using the evolutionary tree to define a graph-partitioning algorithm and matrix-factorization for biological big-data
- Nov 30: David Hodge (Chemical and Biological Engineering, MSU)
- Dec 7: -
- Jan 11: -
- Jan 18: -
- Jan 25: Tony Gaussoin (Math, MSU)
- Feb 1: -
- Feb 8: Stephanie McCalla (Chemical & Biological Eng., MSU): Cooperative activation of DNA-based biosensors
- Feb 15: Ahmed Abdelkader (Computer Science, U. Maryland at College Park): Sampling conditions for conforming Voronoi meshing by the VoroCrust algorithm
- Feb 22: Scott McCalla (Math, MSU): Nonlocal interfacial dynamics in biological systems
- Mar 1: James (Jim) Wilking (Chemical & Biological Eng., MSU): Inhibiting biofilm spreading by incorporating "cheaters" in microbial communities
- Mar 8: Anna Schenfisch (Math, MSU): Curvature estimates of point clouds as a tool in quantitative prostate cancer classification
- Mar 8: Robin Belton (Math, MSU): Exploring the unexplored erosion distance and analyzing music using TDA
- Mar 22: Ryan Viertel (Math, U. Utah): Quad Meshing, Cross Fields, and the Ginzburg-Landau Theory
- Mar 29: Diana Schepens (Math, MSU): Emergence of Cooperative Behavior in Microbial Consortia
- Apr 5: Ross Snider (Electrical & Computer Eng., MSU): An Open Computational Platform for Low-Latency Real-Time Audio Signal Processing Using Field Programmable Gate Arrays
- Apr 12: Matt Holzer (Math, George Mason U.): Invasion Fronts in Spatially Extended Systems
- Apr 19: Danielle Ciesielski (Math, MSU):
A Biphasic Isothermal miRNA Detector
Apr 26: Danielle Ciesielski, Jordan Love, Christopher Barbour (Math, MSU): Why and how to get (graduate) internships
- June 2018: I was awarded a Simons Foundation Collaboration grant for Mathematicians! TBA
- May 2018: The codes two Two-dimensional Compact Variational Mode Decomposition are now online at MATLABCentral's FileExchange.
code |
preprint | View at publisher
- Mar 2018: Our paper on Variational Mode Decomposition will receive the 2017 Young Author Best Paper award by the IEEE Signal Processing Society!
- Mar 2018: Thomas Herndon (Math undergraduate) scored 9 on the 2017 Putnam exam! Congratulations!
Follow us on twitter: @DominiqueZosso | @RockyMntnData
- Oct 2017: Our group presented our research interests at the 2017 Freshman Research Symposium.
- Oct 2017: Thomas Herndon (Math undergraduate) joins the group to work on Graph-based Geometric Data Analysis: Image patches, random graphs, fractals, and the Ulam spiral, funded through the Undergraduate Scholars Program.
- Sept 2017: Our paper on Variational Mode Decomposition has reached 300+ citations on google scholar
, and is among most popular articles in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing
- July 2017: I'll be moving to Wilson 2-223.
- July 2017: NVIDIA GPU Grant Request was approved, and NVIDIA will support our work with the donation of a Titan Xp GPU card.
- June 2017: Our 14 core, 128 GB RAM, 1 TB SDD workstation has arrived!
- May - Aug 2017: Working with Catherine Potts and Carrington Metts on Graph-based geometrical data analysis.
- May 2017: I was awarded an MSU Faculty Excellence Grant!
- Mar 2017: The paper An Efficient Primal-Dual Method for the Obstacle Problem (with M. Xia, B. Osting, S. Osher) has been accepted for publication in the Journal
of Scientific Computing.
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- Feb 2017: The paper Image Segmentation with Dynamic Artifacts Detection and Bias Correction has been accepted for publication in AIMS Inverse Problems and Imaging.
- Jan 2017: The paper Two-Dimensional Compact Variational Mode Decomposition (with K. Dragomiretskiy, P. Weiss, and A. Bertozzi) has been accepted for publication
in the Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision.
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- Nov 2016: Codes to Minimal Surface / Dirichlet Energy Criterion for Graph Partitioning now available.
- Oct 2016: New paper on A Minimal Surface Criterion for Graph Partitioning (with B. Osting), in AIMS Inverse Problems and Imaging.
preprint | View at publisher
- Aug 2016: Starting at Montana State University.
- Feb 25 - Mar 1, 2019: SIAM Conf. on Computational Science and Engineering
in Spokane, WA.
- Oct 5 - 7, 2018: SIAM Central States Meeting
in Norman, OK.
- Dec 9 - 12, 2017: SIAM Analysis of PDE
in Baltimore, MD.
- Sep 29 - Oct 1, 2017: SIAM Central States Meeting
in Fort Collins, CO.
- Feb 27 - Mar 3, 2017: SIAM Conf. on Computational Science and Engineering
in Atlanta, GA.
- Sep 30 - Oct 2, 2016: SIAM Central States Meeting
in Little Rock, AR. schedule