Dr. Krystal Taylor (Dept. of Mathematics, Ohio State University)

03/18/2024  4:10pm



A classic theorem of Davies states that a set of positive Lebesgue measure can be covered by lines in such a way that the union of the set of lines has the same measure as the original set. This surprising and counter-intuitive result has a dual formulation in the form of a prescribed projection theorem. We investigate an analogue of these results in which lines are replaced by shifts of a fixed curve.

In particular, we show that a measurable set in the plane can be covered by translations of a fixed open curve, obeying some mild curvature assumptions, in such a way that the union of the translated curves has the same measure as the original set. Our results rely on a Venetian blind construction and extend to transversal families of projections.  As an application, we consider how duality between curves and points can be used to construct nonlinear Kakeya sets.