Rational Maps, Teichm\"{u}ller Space, and Elastic Graphs after Bill and Dylan Thurston
Talk by Dr. Jarek Kwapisz (Mathematical Sciences, MSU)
09/28/2020 4:10-5:15pm WebEX Talk
Rational functions of the Riemann sphere are quotients of two complex polynomials. Remarkably, one can often uniquely define such a function in terms of {\it soft data} given by its homotopy class relative a finite set of points. What homotopy classes work is a subject of two hallmark results separated by nearly 50 years and due to Bill Thurston and his son Dylan Thurston. The older is the famous {\it Thurston's obstruction}, heralding flight to infinity in the Teichm\"{u}ller space. The newer result, published this summer in Annals of Mathematics, gives a relatively more elementary positive certificate via maps of graphs with rubber band edges, which generate a {\it surface skeleton} of the rational function when allowed to pull tight.
I will attempt to give an informal description of this rich subject, offering a fascinating mix of topology, geometry, and analysis. This talk is a prequel to Lukas' talk (and also loosely connects with my own study of conformal dimension via $p$-resistance).