Closed Chains with Tetrahedral Links?
Talk by Dr. Mike Siddoway (Mathematical Sciences, Visiting Professor at MSU from Colorado College)
2/25/19 Wilson Hall 1-144 4:10-5:00pm
It is easy to see that one can form various closed chains in 2-space entirely using squares or equilateral triangles as links in the chains. The “join” in these chains is the shared side of two adjacent (equivalent) figures. A closed chain is one in which the repeated links eventually wend back to match a side (in the appropriate dimension) of the initial figure. It is also clear that one can form closed chains in 3-space with cubical links. What about chains with tetrahedral links? What if we further consider chains formed with “hyper-tetrahedral” links in higher dimensions? In this talk I’ll answer a question (and a few more that came up along the way) raised by a colleague a few years ago while we avoided other work near a mathematics department’s coffee machine.