Fall Semester 2024:

September 16th

Dr. Erica Porter (School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Clemson Univ.):  "Gradient Boosting for Group-Testing Data"


Spring Semester 2024:

April 24th

Dr. John Borkowski (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, MSU):  "An Introduction to Simple Latin Square Sampling and Adaptive Cluster Sampling"

April 3rd

Dr. Katherine Goode (Sandia National Laboratories):  "Characterizing Climate Pathways using Echo State Networks and Feature Importance"

March 20th 

Dr. Mark Greenwood (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, MSU) Statistics Seminar and MT ASA Spring Talk:  "Calibrating Expectations"

January 31

Kevin Ferris (Senior Data Scientist at Zelus Analytics:  "Baseball Analyics Q&A"



Fall Semester 2023:

December 4

Kevin Surya (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, MSU) M.S. en route to Ph.D. Thesis Defense:  "A Bayesian Analysis of the Genetic Evolution in LIving Fossils"

November 30

Rob Bachler (Principal Actuary at the Seattle-based firm Milliman) talk "Careers in Actuarial Sciences"

November 15

Priscilla Bacino (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, MSU) Ph.D. Dissertation Defense:  "Correlation-based Hierarchical Multiple Testing Procedures"

October 30

Camille Rieber (USGS, Bozeman, MT):  "Treed Gaussian Processes for Animal Movement Modeling"

October 16

Dr. Nathan Wycoff (Massive Data Institute, Georgetown University):  "The Digital Trail of Ukraine's 2022 Refugee Exodus"

October 4

Trevor Vannoy (Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept., MSU):  "An Introduction to GitHub"

October 2

Dr. Anna Schweiger (Remote Sensing Biodiversity Lab, Dept. of Land Resources and Environmental Sciences, MSU):  "Remote Sensing Bioldiversity:  Statistical Methods and Challenges"

September 28

Meaghan Winder's PhD Proposal (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, MSU):  "Bayesian Modeling of Long-Term Ecological Monitoring Data"

September 18

Dr. John Borkowski (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, MSU):  "An Introduction to Particle Swarm Optimization"


Spring Semester 2023:

April 3

Dr. Matthew Beckman (Dept. of Statistics, Penn State Univ.):  "Foundations for Scalable NLP-assisted Formative Assessment Feedback"


Fall Semester 2022:

November 10

Rob Bachler (Principal Actuary at the Seattle-based firm Milliman) talk "Careers in Actuarial Sciences"

October 10

Dr. Nathan Wycoff (Massive Data Institute, Georgetown University):  "Sparse Inference in Variational Bayes with Nonsmooth Penalties"


Summer Semester 2022:

August 18

Paul Harmon's Ph.D. Dissertation Defense (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, MSU):  "Applications and Diagnostics for Dimension Reduction of Multivariate Data"

August 16

Priscilla Bacino's Ph.D. Dissertation Defense (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, MSU):  "Correlation-based Multiple Testing Procedures"

June 29

Elijah Meyer's Ph.D. Dissertation Defense (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, MSU):  "Investigating Newer Statistics Instructors' Breakthroughs With and Motivations For Using Active Learning"

June 13

Jordan Schupback's Ph.D. Proposal (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, MSU):  "Statistical and Predictive Inference Methods for Topological Data Analysis"


David Lartey's Ph.D. Thesis Proposal in Statistics:  "Bootstrap Based Confidence Regions in Multi-Parameter Problems"

Spring Semester 2022:

May 5

Dr. Abhimanyu Gupta (Dept. of Economics, Univ. of Essex):  "Robust Inference on Infinite and Growing Dimensional Time Series Regression"

April 8

Kara Johnson's Ph.D. Defense in Statistics:  "An Adaptive Genetic Algorithm for Fitting DeGroot Opinion Diffusion Models on Social Networks."

March 31

Statistics M.S. Writing Project Presentations:  Speed Presentation Session followed by Poster Session.  Includes Graduate Students:  Jeremiah Bass, Riley Daily, Connor Demorest, Gabrielle Lemire, Therese Lupariello, Braden Scherting and Vanessa Tandiman

March 25

Christian Stratton's Ph.D. Defense in Statistics:  "Clusting and Unconstrained Ordination with Dirichlet Process Mixture Models."

March 1

ASA Chapter Seminar with Dr. Silas Bergen (Mathematics and Statistics Dept., Winona State University):  Title of Talk is "Applying Unsupervised and Supervised Learning Methods to Minimize Risk to Bald Eagles from Industrial Wind Turbines."

February 14

Samidha Shetty (Dept. of Statistics, Penn State):  Title of Talk is "Statistical Analysis of Nonignorable Missing Data."


Fall Semester 2021:

October 27

Rob Bachler (Milliman, Seattle):  Seminar on Careers in Actuarial Sciences


Spring Semester 2021:

April 19

Dr. Matthew Heaton (Dept. of Statistics, BYU):  Title of Talk is "Spatial and Covariate-varying Relationships Among Dominant Tree Species in Utah."

March 25

Elijah Meyer (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, MSU):  Title of PhD Defense is "Experiences and Motivation:  New Perspectives in Understanding How and Why Graduate Student Instructors Use Active Learning."

March 16

Dr. Zeda Li (Baruch College, CUNY):  Title of Talk is "Classification of Categorical Time Series Using the Spectral Envelope and Optimal Scalings."

March 10

Stephen Walsh's PhD Proposal Presentation (online):  Title of Talk is "Development and Applications of Particle Swarm Optimization to Generating Exact Optimal Experimental Designs."

March 2

Statistics MS Writing Project Presentations:

Graduate Student          
Title of Presentation                                  
Emmanuel Sarfo Fosu Statistical Learning for Duration Analysis, with application to missing persons data in Montana
Aisha Hicks The Rounding effect:  How reponse rounding influences ANOVA results and rejection rates
Dennis J. Moritz Modeling Spectroscopic Ellipsometry Data
Jacob Oram Exploring Hierarchical Structure in Occupancy Models
Kayode Oyeniran Statistical Learning Methods for the Prediction of Chronic Kidney Disease
  Dimensionality Reduction and Clustering Methods for Text Mining
Jeremiah C.E. Pharr Student group composition for an undergraduate introductory statistics class in a flipped classroom format

January 26

Peng Zhang (Georgia Institute of Technology): Title of Talk is "Efficient Algorithms for Fundamental Problems in Data Science"

Fall Semester 2020:

November 20

Kenneth Flagg's PhD Proposal Presentation (online):Title of Talk is "Bayesain Computing and Sampling Design for Partially-Surveyed Point Processes."

November 20

Moses Obiri's PhD Proposal Presentation (online):Title of Talk is "Space-filling Designs for Mixture/Process Variable Experiments."

Spring Semester 2020:

May 21

Christian Stratton's PhD Proposal Presentation (online): Title of Talk is"Bayesian Techniques for Ecological Data Structures"

May 15

Paul Wilson-Harmon's PhD Proposal Presentation (online): Title of Talk is "Sifting Through The Noise: Frameworks for Identifying Important Features using Latent Variables or Sparsity"

April 6

Allison Theobold's PhD Defense Presentation (online): Title of Talk is "Supporting Data-Intensive Research in the Environmental Science: Data Science Skills for Scientific Practitioners of Statistics."

March 12

Dr. Christopher Barbour (Data Scientist at Atrium Insights):  Title of Talk is "What your professors aren't telling you? and, improving insights in models through quantification of data quality."

March 9

Statistics MS Writing Project Presentations:

Graduate Student          
Title of Presentation                                  
Lisa Bowersock Ordinal Zero-Augmented Beta (OZAB) Regression for Bunchgrass Cover Class Data
Rachel Ulrich Satellite Image Segmentation for Rural Land Use
Meaghan Winder Multi-scale occupancy modeling of dreissenid mussels: a comparison of eDNA and plankton tow survey methods
Kehinde Ajayi Dimensionality Reduction and Clustering Methods for Text Mining
Tyler Taylor Estimating Variability in Gage R&R studies
Kelly Loucks Understanding Historical Data to Predict Avalanches on the Seward Highway, Alaska
Brynn Gellner Detecting Change in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem
Jing Zhang Assessing the changes in a confirmatory factor analysis, before and after an intervention


Fall Semester 2019:

November 21

Visiting Speaker to Discuss Career Opportunities in Actuarial Science

Are you interested in career opportunities in Actuarial Science? Although MSU does not have an Actuarial Sciences major, we do offer the courses interested students would need to take to prepare for a career in the field. We are lucky to have Rob Bachler, Principal Actuary, at the Seattle-based firm Milliman here to provide an introduction to the actuarial career, Milliman as a firm, and the Seattle Health practice of Milliman. He will also briefly show examples of the type of work he does on a daily basis, and address student quetions regarding career options in the Actuarial Sciences. Thursday 11/21/19 in Wilson 1-144, 4:10-5:00pm with reception and Q&A to follow from 5:10-6:00pm. Snacks and refreshments will be provided! Contact Katie Banner (katharine.banner@montana.edu) for any further questions.

November 14

MSU's Student Chapter of the American Statistical Association - Information Open House

Would you like to be part of a group that has a shared interest in Statistics? We hope the answer is yes! The student chapter of the American Statistical Association (ASA) will be holding a drop-in informational session Thursday, November 14th from 11-1 in the Hurst Conference room (WIL 2-244). Undergraduate and graduate students from all disciplines are welcome! Pizza and refreshments will be provided. To find out more about the Student Chapter of the ASA here at MSU check out our website https://community.amstat.org/montanastateuniversity/home. Anyone interested in officer positions can contact our current President, Paul Harmon (paulharmongj@gmail.com), our Vice President Kara Johnson, (Kara.Ln.Johnson@gmail.com), or our Faculty advisor, Katie Banner (katharine.banner@montana.edu). We hope to see you there! 

November 7

Dr. Andy Hoegh (Dept of Mathematical Sciences, MSU):  Title of Talk is "Agent-Based Methods for Collective Animal Movement"


January 29

MSU Librarians, Star Bradley and Mary Anne Hansen provide a talk called "Ramp Up your Research."  They will encourage you to use the wide spectrum of resources and services at the MSU Library.  The main focus will be on research in statistics but the resources discussed are of interest for other areas in mathematical sciences.

March 4

Rob Bachler and Scott Jones, speakers from Milliman (an actuarial firm in Seattle) will talk about Actuarial Careers at Milliman - Seattle Health.  Wilson Hall 1-144, 3:10-4:00pm

March 13

Dr. Derek Sonderegger (Dept of Mathematics and Statistics, Northern Arizona University):  Title of Talk is "Assessing the Effect of Incomplete Sampling on Disease Transmission Networks"

March 14

Statistics MS Writing Project Presentations:

Graduate Student          
Title of Presentation                                  
Laurie Rugemer Implications of left-censored environmental data due to labeling "non-detects"
Noah Benedict Text Mining: The Journey So Far
Sarah McKnight  Statistical Analysis for Financial Data
Laura Lartey  Block Designs with missing observations: Incorporating MLEs for missing data in ANOVA models
Bright Owusu  An Introduction to Line Transect Sampling
Tristan Anacker To t-SNE or not to t-SNE

March 26

Statistics MS Writing Project Presentations:

Graduate Student                     
Title of Presentation
Wyatt Madden Hendra Virus Spillover in Eastern Australia During Winter of 2011
Jordan Love Using Paired Comparison Models to find Hitbox Advantages
Brad West Predicting Fine Art Auction Prices
Rachel Wyand Occupancy Models for Estimating the Prevalence of Blister Rust in Whitebark Pine in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem


April 26

Dr. Jennifer Hill (Professor of Applied Statistics and Data Science, NYU):  Title of Talk is "BART for Causal Inference: How Combining Machine Learning and Statistics make life easier"

April 29

Tan Tran  (PhD Student, Mathematical Sciences, MSU): Title of Dissertation Defense is "Monothetic Cluster Analysis with Extenstions to Circular and Functional Data"

June 18

Dr. Haipeng Shen (Patrick S C Poon Professor in Analytics and Innovation, Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Hong Kong):  Title of Talk is "Information Analytics: A Statistician's Perspective"


If you are looking for earlier years of seminars, please contact the Mathematical Sciences Department at math@montana.edu and a list can be generated.