
Homework 1:

  • Section 1.1: 1a, b, d, 4b

Homework 2:

  • Section 1.2: 3a-d

Homework 3:

  • Section 1.2: 22c, d, 23a, b

Homework 4:

  • Section 1.3: 2b, t

Homework 5:

  • Section 1.4: 1abc, 4ab, 5

Homework 6:

  • Section 1.7: 2d, 7, 8

Homework 7:

  • Section 1.8: Choose two each of problems 5 and 15.

First test is Monday, October 5, in class. It is closed book and covers the material from chapter 1. Here is a slightly modified test from last year: First Practice Test (PDF), and an addendum with a missing definition for problem 5:First Practice Test Addendum (PDF)

Updated on: Wed Sep 30 12:30:11 GMT+7 2009.

Lukas Geyer