Graduate Certificate in Statistics
Graduate Certificate
Certificate in Applied Statistics
In a data intensive world, Statistics provides the tools to distill data into useful information. visualize patterns, explain scientific phenomena, and predict future events.
Training in statistical methods is a required part of the education of graduate students in engineering and the sciences. The Graduate Certificate in Applied Statistics is designed to provide additional education in statistical thinking and methodology over and above the basic coursework taken by the typical graduate student. This transcriptable certificate will provide a clear record of additional training in statistics for future graduate programs or employers. The Graduate Certificate will also be of interest to those currently employed in technical fields in the local area and to post-baccalaureate students. The courses in this Certificate in Applied Statistics can also be applied to the Masters in Data Science Program.
Statistician is regularly one of the top rated jobs in the country. The U.S. News rated a statistician as the 6th best job in 2020 (