Mathematics Seminars
Spring 2025:
March 24
Sam Wirges (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, MSU): "Homology of Conically Smooth Manifolds via Links"
March 10
Dr. Sam Gunningham (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, MSU): "Harmonic analysis on reductive groups"
March 3
Dr. Blair Davey (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, MSU): "Self-similar sets and Lipschitz curves"
February 24
Dr. David Ayala (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, MSU): "An h-principle about Knots"
February 10
Dr. Rok Gregoric (Dept. of Mathematics, John Hopkins Univ.): "Even Periodization"
January 27
Dr. Mariana Smith Vega Garcia (Dept. of Mathematics, Western Washington Univ.): "An Almgren monotonicity formula for discrete harmonic functions"
Fall 2024:
December 9
Dr. Ryan Grady (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, MSU): "Causality, observables, and algebras"
December 2
Joshua Varon (Deerfield High School): "Finding Geometric Proofs of Maximum Length"
November 4
Dr. Ila Varma (Dept. of Mathematics, Univ. of Toronto): "Counting number fields and predicting asymptotics"
October 28
Dr. Petar Bakic (Dept. of Mathematics, University of Utah): "Theta correspondence and Arthur packets"
October 21
Dr. Christian Klevdal (Dept. of Mathematics, UC San Diego): "Algebra, Geometry, and Analysis in Number Theory"
October 14
Dr. Sam Gunningham (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, MSU): "Deformation quantization in topology"
October 7
Dr. David Ayala (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, MSU): "The Tangle Hypothesis, and an h-principle for spaces of knots"
September 30
Dr. AgnesBeaudry (Dept. of Mathematics, University of Colorado Boulder): "Homotopical Framework for Quantum Spin Systems"
September 23
Dr. Filip Dul (Post-Doc in the Dept. of Mathematics, Rutgers University): "Factorization Algebras for Black Hole Entropy"
September 16
Dr. Joshua Zahl (Department of Mathematics, University of British Columbia): "Curve tangencies and maximal functions"
September 9
Dr. Jarek Kwapisz (Department of Mathematical Sciences, MSU): "How much information can ride on a light ray? --- and what geometry and probability on complex projective spaces has to do with this"
August 26
Xinchun Ma (Mathematics Department, University of Chicago): "Torus knot invariants and DAHA representations"
Spring 2024:
April 29
Dr. SameeraVemulapalli (Mathematics Department, Standford University): "Covers of P^1 and Number Fields"
April 22
Dr. PelleSteffens (Dept. of Mathematics,Technicial University of Munich): "Differential Geometric PDE Moduli Spaces: Derived Enhancements, Ellipticity and Representability"
April 15
Benjamin Moldstad (Dept. of Mathematics, MSU): "Linearized Circle Actions"
April 8
David Ayala (Dept. of Mathematics, MSU): "Homotopy types and their linearization"
April 1
Lukas Geyer (Dept. of Mathematics, MSU): "Dynamical Teichmüller spaces for rational and transcendental maps"
March 25
Peter McDonald (Dept. of Mathematics, University of Utah): "Splinter-type characterizations of singularities"
March 18
Dr. Krystal Taylor (Dept. of Mathematics, Ohio State University): "Prescribed Projections and Efficient Coverings of Fractals in a Nonlinear Setting"
March 4
Dr. Sam Gunningham (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, MSU): "Geometric Satake Revisited"
February 26
Dr. Ryan Grady (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, MSU): "A Slew of Manifold Variants"
February 12
Dr. Allechar Serrano Lopez (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, MSU): "Counting elliptic curves with prescribed torsion"
January 22
Dr. Blair Davey (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, MSU.): "Parabolic Theory as a High-Dimensional Limit of Elliptic Theory"
Fall 2023:
November 13
Dr. Ana Balibanu (Dept. of Mathematics, Louisiana State Univ.): "Moment Maps in Geometric Representation Theory"
November 6
Dr. Jarek Kwapisz (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, MSU): "Sphere Packings and Euclidean Embeddings of Complex Projective Space for Non-coherent Classical and Quantum Applications"
October 30
Dr. Ryan Grady (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, MSU): "Black Holes and Entropy"
October 23
Dr. Peter Crooks (Math and Statistics Dept., Utah State University): "New TQFTs valued in the Moore-Tachikawa category"
October 16
Dr. Christopher Kuo (Dept. of Mathematics, UC-Berkeley): "Perverse Microsheaves"
October 9
Dr. Allechar Serrano Lopez (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, MSU): "Counting Number Fields"
October 2
Dr. Lukas Geyer (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, MSU): "Critically Fixed Anti-Thurston Maps"
September 25
Dr. David Ayala (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, MSU): Title of Talk is "Tangles"
August 28
Dr. Sam Gunningham (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, MSU): Title of Talk is "Skeins on Tori"
Spring 2023:
May 1
Dr. Alex McDonald (Dept. of Mathematics, The Ohio State Unversity): Title of Talk is "The Falconer distance problem and point configurations in fractal sets"
April 26
Dr. Jenn-Nan Wang (National Taiwan University): Title of Talk is "Landis-type Conjecture for the Fractional Schrodinger Operator"
April 24
Dr. Thomas Basile (Université de Mons, Belgium): Title of Talk is "Deformation Quantization, Conformal Geometry and Higher Spins
April 17
Dr. Hiro Lee Tanaka (Dept. of Mathematics, Texas Stat Univ.): Title of Talk is "A Stable Homotopy Invariant for Legendrians in Jet Bundles"
April 10
Dr. Blair Davey (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, MSU): Title of Talk is "Generalizations of Landis' conjecture in the plane"
April 3
Dr. Max Engelstein (School of Mathematics, University of Minnesota): Title of Talk is "Quantitative Stability and the Lojasiewicz inequality"
March 24
PhD Defense, Anna Schenfisch (Department of Mathematics, MSU): Title of Talk is "Faithful Sets of Topological Descriptors and Algebraic $K$-Theory of Multi-Parameter Zig-Zag Persistence Modules"
March 20
Dr. Peter Haine (Department of Mathematics, UC Berkeley): Title of Talk is "Reconstruction and étale homotopy theory"
March 6
Dr. Elizabeth Gillaspy (Department of Mathematical Sciences, Univ. of MT): Title of Talk is "C*-Algebras for Nilpotent Lie Algebras"
February 27
Abby Hickok (Mathematics Department, UCLA): Title of Talk is "Persistence Diagram Bundles: A Multidimensional Generalization of Vineyards"
February 24
Dr. David Nadler (Dept. of Mathematics, UC Berkeley): Title of Talk is "Functions on Communting Stacks"
February 2
Dr. Peter Bubenik (Dept. of Mathematics, Univ. of Florida): Title of Talk is "Morse Theory and Topological Data Analysis"
Fall 2022:
December 15
Zoya Batool, Kala Bertolino, and Warren Doyle (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, MSU): Title of Talk is "Posets, Presheaves, (Co)limits, and Exit-Paths - Category Theory"
December 5
Dr. David Ayala (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, MSU): Title of Talk is "Morita-types of Reedy categories"
November 28
Dr. Dmitri Pavlov (Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics, Texas Tech University): Title of Talk is "The Geometric Cobordism Hypothesis"
November 14
Anna Schenfisch (Mathematics Department, MSU): Title of Talk is "Algebraic K-Theory of Zig-Zag Persistence Modules"
November 7
Dr. Elizabeth Gillaspy (Mathematics Department, Univ. of MT): Title of Talk is "C*-algebras for nilpotent Lie algebras"
October 31
Dr. Blair Davey (Dept. of Mathematics, MSU): Title of Talk is "Trapping Curves Inside of Fractals"
October 24
Dr. Matthew Badger (Dept. of Mathematics, Univ. of Connecticut): Title of Talk is "3D Brownian motion and sets of dimension 2.99999 99999 99999."
October 10
Dr. Ryan Grady (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, MSU): Title of Talk is "How Knot to Find a Fractal"
October 3
Dr. Harold Williams (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, USC): Title of Talk is "Canonical Bases for Coulomb Branches"
September 26
Dr. Lukas Geyer (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, MSU): Title of Talk is "Hausdorff dimension of Julia sets"
September 19
Dr. Sam Gunningham (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, MSU): Title of Talk is "Deformation Quantization (Calculus) and Vanishing Cycles (Topology)"
September 12
Dr. Jarek Kwapisz (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, MSU): Title of Talk is "What Filter Banks have to do with Ergodic Theory"
August 29
Dr. Jack Burkart (Dept. of Mathematics, Univ. of Wisconsin - Madison): Title of Talk is "Topology and Geometry of Multiply Connected Wandering Domains"
Spring 2022:
May 2
Dr. Monica Vazirani (Dept. of Mathematics, UC Davis): Title of Talk is "Combinatorics, Categorifcation, and Crystals"
April 25
Dr. Dallas Albritton (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton NJ): Title of Talk is "Non-uniqueness of Leray Solutions of the forced Navier-Stokes Equations."
April 18
Dr. Sam Gunningham (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, MSU): Title of Talk is "Langlands Duality for 3-Manifolds"
April 11
Christopher McKay (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, MSU): Ph.D. Defense "Critically Fixed Anti-Rational Maps, Thischler Graphs, and their Applications"
March 28
Dr. Masoud Kamgarpour (Dept. of Mathematics, Univ. of Queensland): Title of Talk is "Arithmetic Geometry of Character Varieties"
March 21
Dr. Silvia Ghinassi (Dept. of Mathematics, Univ. of Washington): Title of Talk is "On the Regularity of Singular Sets of Minimizers for the Mumford-Shah Energy."
March 7
Tom Gannon (Dept. of Mathematics, Univ. of Texas - Austin): Title of Talk is "Categorical Representation Theory and The Coarse Quotient."
February 28
Dr. Ryan Grady (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, MSU): Title of Talk is "Bordism, Genera, and QFT."
February 14
Dr. Arunima Ray (Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik, Germany): Title of Talk is "Embedding Surfaces in 4-Manifolds."
February 7
Dr. Blair Davey (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, MSU): Title of Talk is "A Resolution to Landis' Conjecture in the Plane"
January 31
Dr. Krystal Taylor (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, Ohio State University): Title of Talk is "Configurations, Dimension, and Fractal Sets."
January 24
Dr. Jarek Kwapisz (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, MSU): Title of Talk is "Regularity of the Rotation Number for Circle Diffeomorphisms at Integrable Resonances."
Fall 2021:
December 6
Benjamin Moldstad (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, MSU): Title of Talk is "Stratifications and Actions of the Circle Group"
November 29
Adam Howard (Montana State University): Title of Talk is "Spaces of Immersions and their Homotopy Groups."
November 15
Dr. Eric Fink (Montana State University): Title of Talk is "Markov Partitions for Hyperbolic Automorphisms of Nilmanifolds: Computatjional and Algorithmic Considerations."
November 8
Dr. Kay Kirkpatrick (Dept. of Mathematics, Univ. of Illinois Urbana-Champaign): Title of Talk is "Dark Matter might be a Bose-Einstein Condensate of Axions."
November 1
Dr. Chris Elliott (Mathematics Dept., UMass-Amherst): Title of Talk is "Kapustin-Witten Theory and Factorization Homology."
October 25
Dr. Lukas Geyer (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, MSU): Title of Talk is "Critically Fixed Maps in Dynamics"
October 18
Dr. Sam Gunningham (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, MSU): Title of Talk is "Electric-magnetic Duality in Topology, Geometry, and Number Theory."
October 11
Dr. Ryan Grady (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, MSU): Title of Talk is "Euler Characteristic, Curves, and K-Theory."
October 4
Dr. David Ayala (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, MSU): Title of Talk is "The 1-Dimensional Tangle Hypothesis."
September 28
Dr. Sucharit Sarkar (Mathematics, ULCA): Title of Talk is "Link Floer Spectrum via Grid Diagrams."
September 20
Dr. Aaron Mazel-Gee (Sherman Fairchild Instructor in Mathematics, Caltech): Title of Talk is "Reflection in Algebra and Topology."
September 13
Dr. Mariana Smit Vega Garcia (Dept. of Mathematics, Western Washington Univ.): Title of Talk is "Almost Minimizers for Obstacle Problems."
August 30
Dr. Karen Uhlenbeck (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton NJ): Title of Talk is "Transverse Measures and Best Lipschitz and Least Gradient Maps."
Spring 2021:
April 19
Dr. Yumeng Ou (Dept. of Mathematics, University of Pennsylvania): Title of Talk is "On the Falconer distance problem and related questions."
April 14
Eric Berry (Department of Mathematical Sciences, MSU): Ph.D. Thesis Defense, "Additivity of Factorization Algebras."
April 12
Anna Schenfisch (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, MSU): Title of Talk is "Posets of Topolgoical Descriptors"
April 5
Dr. Renato Ghini Bettiol (Dept. of Mathematics, Lehman College of CUNY): Title of Talk is "Bifurcating Minimal Spheres in Ellipsoids."
March 29
Dr. Brittany Terese Fasy (School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences/MSU): Title of Talk is "Directional Topological Descriptors for Shape Representation."
March 23
Garrett Oren (Mathematical Sciences/MSU): Master's Thesis Defense, "Universal Property of Centers and Centralizers."
March 22
Dr. Blair Davey (Mathematical Sciences/MSU): Title of Talk is "How to Obtain Parabolic Theorems from their Elliptic Counterparts."
March 15
Dr. Sam Gunningham (Mathematical Sciences/MSU & University of Edinburgh): Title of Talk is "Finiteness for Skein Modules."
March 8
Dr. David Ayala (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, Montana State University): Title of Talk is "A Proof of the 1-Dimensional Cobordism Hypothesis, using Hochschild Homology."
March 1
Dr. Jarek Kwapisz (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, Montana State University): Title of Talk is "The Puzzle of Integrable Circle Maps."
February 22
Dr. Joshua Zahl (Dept. of Mathematics, University of British Columbia): Title of Talk is "Dimension-expanding polynomials and the discretized Elekes-Ronyai theorem."
February 8
Yajit Jain (Dept. of Mathematics/Northwestern University: Title of Talk is"Fiberwise Poincare-Hopf Theory and Exotic Smoothings of Manifold Bundles."
February 1
Dr. Jarek Kwapisz (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, MSU): Title of Talk is "Markov Partitions: from Decimal Expansions to Nilmanifolds."
January 25
Dr. Albin Grataloup (University of Montpellier, FR): Title of Talk is "The Shifted Symplectic Geometry of Derived Intersections"
January 11
Dr. Jenny Wilson (Dept. of Mathematics, University of Michigan): Title of Talk is "Representation Stability."
Fall 2020:
November 23
Chris McKay (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, MSU): Title of Oral Exam is "Beyond the Classification of Critically Fixed Anti-Rational Maps"
November 16
Eric Berry (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, MSU): Title of Talk is "The Cohomology of Real Grassmannians via Schubert Stratifications."
November 9
Dr. Brian Williams (Postdoc-Zelevinsky Research Instructor, Northeastern University): Title of Talk is "The Presymplectic BV Formalism and the M5 Brane."
October 19
Dr. Richard Hind (Department of Mathematics, University of Notre Dame): Title of Talk is "Quantitative Symplectic Geometry"
October 12
Dr. Kathryn Hess (Mathematics, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne): Title of Talk is "From Trees to Barcodes and Back Again"
October 5
Dr. Ryan Grady (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, MSU): Title of Talk is "Symplectic Geometry: 1700s--Today"
September 28
Dr. Jarek Kwapisz (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, MSU): Title of Talk is "Rational Mpas, Teichm\"{u}ller Space, and Elastic Graphs after Bill and Dylan Thurston"
September 21
Dr. Blair Davey (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, MSU): Title of Talk is "A Quantification of the Besicovitch Projection Theorem and Its Generalizations (Part 2)
September 14
Dr. Blair Davey (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, MSU): Title of Talk is "A Quantification of the Besicovitch Projection Theorem and Its Generalizations (Part 1)
August 31
Dr. David Ayala (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, MSU): Title of Talk is "Stratifications: Topological, Adelic, and Equivariant"
August 24
Dr. Lukas Geyer (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, MSU): Title of Talk is "Classification of Critically Fixed Anti-Rational Maps"
Summer 2020:
June 30
Eric Fink (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, MSU), PhD Dissertation Presentation: "Markov Partitions and Sofic Codings for Anosov Diffeomorphisms of Nilmanifolds"
Spring 2020:
March 9
Dr. Anna Cepek (Institute of Basic Science: Center for Geometry & Physics, Pohang, South Korea): Title of Talk is "The Ran space and embedding calculus in application to knot theory"
February 24
Dr. Jarek Kwapisz (Mathematical Sciences Dept, MSU): Title of Talk is "Quantum Adiabatic Theorem."
February 10
Dr. Ryan Grady (Mathematical Sciences Dept, MSU): Title of Talk is "Representation Theory via TFT and Equivalent Hamiltonian Systems"
Fall 2019:
November 25
Dr. Anton Vorontsov (Physics Department, MSU): Title of Talk is "Crystallization of the phase in superconductors
October 28
Eric Berry (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, MSU): Title of Talk is "Additivity for factorization algebras"
October 24
Elizabeth Gillaspy (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, University of Montana): Title of Talk is "Wavelets, spectral triples, and Hausdorff measure for directed graphs"
October 14
Ryan Grady (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, MSU): Title of Talk is "Analytic Aspects of Effective BV Quantization"
October 7
David Ayala (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, MSU): Title of Talk is "Instances of the Cobordism Hypothesis"
September 30
Megan Wawro (Mathematics Department, Virginia Tech): Title of Talk is "Student Reasoning about Linear Algebra in Quantum Physics"
September 23
Adam Howard (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, MSU): Title of Talk is "Bridge Number of Satellite Knots"
September 16
Dr. Lukas Geyer (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, MSU): Title of Talk is "Zeros of complex harmonic functions, gravitational lensing, and complex dynamics"
September 9
Dr. Jarek Kwapisz (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, MSU): Title of Talk is "Renormalization Operator for Conformal Dimension of Sierpinski Carpet"
Spring 2019:
January 25
Graduate Student, Anna Schenfisch (Mathematical Sciences): Title of Talk is "An Introduction to Elliptic Curves," and presented in the Geometry and Topology Seminar (Wilson 1-144, 2:10-3:00pm)
January 31
Dr. Paul Wedrich (Mathematics, Australian National University): Title of Talk is "On Colored Link Homologies"
February 6
Dr. Sam Gunningham (School of Mathematics, University of Edinburgh, UK): Title of Talk is "D-modules in Representation Theory and Topology"
February 13
Dr. Emily Stark (Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel): Title of Talk is "The Geometry of Hyperbolic Groups"
February 20
Dr. Charles Katerba (Mathematical Sciences, MSU): Title of Talk is "Searching for Closed Essential Surfaces in Knot Complements with Character Varieties"
February 25
Dr. Mike Siddoway (Mathematical Sciences Dept, Visiting Professor at MSU from Colorado College: Title of Talk is "Closed Chains with Tetrahedral Links"
April 1
Dr. Tomas Gedeon (Dept of Mathematical Sciences, MSU): Title of Talk is "A Combinatorial/Algebraic Topological Approach to Nonlinear Dynamics"
April 8
Anna Cepek (PhD Student, Mathematical Sciences, MSU): Title of Dissertation Defense is "Configuration spaces of the circle and Euclidean spaces"
April 10
Dr. Anja Randecker (Department of Mathematics, University of Toronto): Title of Talk is "Understanding (in)finite Translation Surfaces"
April 15
Dr. Lukas Geyer (Mathematical Sciences, MSU): Title of Talk is "Notions of hyperbolicity in complex dynamics"
April 25
Dr. Alex Zupan (Department of Mathematics, University of Nebraska): Title of Talk is "A special case of the Smooth 4-dimensional Poincaré Conjecture"
Summer 2019:
July 5
Dan Perry (PhD Student, Mathematical Sciences, MSU): Title of Dissertation Defense is "Homotopy Groups of Contact 3-Manifolds"