Papers in Mathematics by Jarek
- Trace optimality of SIC POVMs, Oct 2018 preprint, updated in Jan 2019, 1-15
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, Volume 52, Issue 11, article id. 115203 (2019)
- Conformal Dimension via p-Resistance: Sierpinski Carpet, July 2017 preprint, 1-61
on 26 Sept 2019, published Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae, Mathematica Vol 45, 2020, 3-51
- Quasi-symmetry without ratios , July 2017 preprint, 1-8, accepted by Mathematica Scandinavica
on 18 Jan 2018
- Inflations of Self-Affine Tilings are Integral Algebraic Perron, Oct 2014 preprint, appeared in Inventiones Mathematicae 205 (Issue 1, July 2016),
on 20 Oct 2015
- L-cut splitting of translation surfaces and non-embedding of pseudo-Anosovs (in genus two), with Andrew Bouwman, June 2014 preprint, Colloquium Mathematicum 153 (2018), 51-79.
- Cocyclic Subshifts from Diophantine Equations, with David Buhanan, 2012 preprint, updated in Oct 2013, Dyn. Sys., Volume 29, Issue 1, 2014, 56-66.
- Diophantine and Minimal but Not Uniquely Ergodic (Almost), with Mark Mathison, 2011 preprint revised in April 2012, Nonlinearity, no. 7, vol. 25 (2012)
- Young person's guide to translation surfaces of genus two: McMullen's Connected Sum
Theorem, with Andy Bouwman, 2010 preprint.
revised on 3 Aug 2012, Rocky Mountain J. Math. Volume 43, Number 1 (2013), 37-53.
- Rigidity and Mapping Class Group for Abstract Tiling Spaces, 2009 preprint.
on 3 Sept 2010, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems (2011), no. 6, 1745--1783.
- Topological friction in aperiodic minimal actions, 2008 preprint
on 2 Sept 2009, Fundamenta Mathematicae 207 (2010), no. 2, 175--178.
- A toral flow with the pointwise rotation set that is not closed 2006 preprint, 1--19, Nonlinearity, Volume 20, Number 9, September 2007, 2047-2061. PDF of the print version
- Geometric realization and coincidence for reducible non-unimodular Pisot tiling spaces with an application to beta-shifts, 2005 preprint, joint work with Veronica Baker and Marcy Barge, Annales de l'Institut Fourier, 56 no. 7 (2006), 2213-2248.
- Elements of the theory of unimodular Pisot substitutions with an application to $\beta$-shifts, 2004, preprint, joint work with Marcy Barge, appeared in proceedings: Algebraic and topological dynamics, 89--99, Contemp. Math., 385, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2005.
- Hyperbolic pseudo-Anosov maps a.e. embed into a toral automorpism (a preliminary version), 2004, preprint, joint work with Marcy Barge, Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems 26 (2006), no. 4, 961--972.
- Geometric theory of unimodular Pisot substitutions, a polished version of the 2004, preprint, joint work with Marcy Barge
on 3 Aug 2006, appeared in Amer. J. Math. 128 (2006), no. 5, 1219--1282. PDF of the print version (Also the older 2005 version with footnotes I liked and Mathematica 4 notebook generating Rauzy fractals, as depicted in the manuscript.)
- A dynamical Proof of Pisot's Theorem, 2003 preprint, Canad. Math. Bull. 49 (2006), no. 1, 108--112.
- Transfer Operator, Topological Entropy, and Maximal Measure for Cocyclic Subshifts, 2001 preprint, Erg. Th. & Dyn. Sys. 24 (2004), no. 4, 1173--1197.
- Combinatorics of Torus Diffeomorphisms, 2001, preprint, Erg. Th. & Dyn. Sys. 23 (2003), no. 2,559--586.
- A priori degeneracy of one-dimensional rotation sets for periodic point free torus maps, 2000 preprint, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 354 (2002), no. 7, 2865--2895. PDF of the print versionNote: Theorem 1.1 may be wrong. The proof contains an error I do not know how to fix..
- Poincare rotation number for maps of the real line with almost periodic displacement, 1999, preprint, Nonlinearity 13 (2000), 1841-1854. PDF of the print version
- Homotopy and Dynamics for Homeomorphisms of Solenoids and Knaster Continua, May 1999, preprint, Fundamenta Mathematicae 168 (2001), 251-278.
- Homotopy classes for stable periodic and chaotic patterns in fourth-order Hamiltonian systems, 1999 preprint, joint work with W.D. Kalies, R.C.A.M. VanderVorst, and J.B. van der Berg, Commun. Math. Phys. 214 (2000) 3, 573-592. (Note: Due to an error in the publishing process this paper had to be published again as Erratum: Homotopy classes for stable periodic and chaotic patterns in fourth-order Hamiltonian systems, Comm. Math. Phys. 215 (2001), no. 3, 707--728. PDF of the print version)
- Cocyclic Subshifts, Math. Z. 234 (2000), no. 2, 255--290. PDF of the print version
- Uniqueness of the stationary wave for the Extended Fisher Kolmogorov equation, 1997 preprint, J. Differential Equations 165 (2000), no. 1, 235--253. PDF of the print version
- Horseshoes and the Conley index spectrum, joint with M.C. Carbinatto and K. Mischaikow, Erg. Th. & Dyn. Sys. 20 (2000), no. 2, 365--377.
- Homotopy classes for stable connections between Hamiltonian saddle-focus equilibria, joint work with W.D. Kalies and R.C.A.M. VanderVorst, Comm. Math. Phys. 193 (1998), no. 2, 337--371. PDF of the print version
- Asymptotic Entropy, Periodic orbits, and Pseudo-Anosov Maps, joint work with R. Swanson, Erg. Th. & Dyn. Sys. 18 (1998), no. 2, 425--439.
- Monotonicity of Rotation Set for Toroidal Chaos of a Resonantly Kicked Linear Oscillator, Nonlinearity 11 (1998), no. 3, 547--555. PDF of the print version
- Stability in a Semilinear Boundary Value Problem via Invariant Conefields, J. Differential Equations 141 (1997), no. 1, 86--101. PDF of the print version
- On Quotient-Convergence Factors, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 209 (1997) 299-307.
- On the Spectral Radius of a Directed Graph, J. of Graph Theory Vol. 23, No. 4 (1996) 405-411. pages in JPEG
- Rotation Sets and Entropy, Ph.D. Thesis, SUNY at Stony Brook, 1995.
- Annulus and billiard maps with asymptotic entropy, joint with R. Swanson, "New trends for Hamiltonian systems and celestial mechanics (Cocoyoc, 1994)", 237--247, Adv. Ser. Nonlinear Dynam., 8, World Sci. Publishing, River Edge, NJ, 1996.
- A Toral Diffeomorphism with a Non-Polygonal Rotation Set, Nonlinearity 8 (1995) 461-476. PDF of the print version
- An Estimate of Entropy for Toroidal Chaos, Erg. Th. & Dyn. Sys. 13 (1993), no. 1, 123--129. pages in JPEG (for this estimate it is better to read my PhD thesis where I corrected some errors).
- A Note on Multidimensional Volterra Integral Equations in $L^p$ Spaces, Houston J. of Mathematics 19 (1993) 275-280. pages in JPEG
- Every Convex Polygon with Rational Vertices is a Rotation Set, Erg. Th. & Dyn. Sys. 12 (1992) 333-339. pages in JPEG
- Weighted Norms and Volterra Integral Equations in $L^p$ Spaces, J. of Appl. Math. an
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